Are you interested in getting your work seen? El Rey Network is putting together an original short film horror showcase featuring the works from top notch independent filmmakers.
Submit Now!In a highly classified location, four brilliant, obnoxious grad students are interrogated by government operatives. Why? Because the world is about to end, and it's all their fault. After using reckless "cutting-edge" science for their own petty purposes, this rag tag team creates a small but potentially world-ending black hole in their college lab. The clock is ticking for this secret government agency to clean up the mess these "wannabe scientists" have made.
Sam is the recently dumped catalyst to the series events. He is awkward, anxious, and desperate to get Hannah back.
Avery Monsen is an actor and writer who has also appeared in the series' High Maintenance and Maron. He is a member of the famous Upright Citizens Brigade improv group.
Hannah is Sam's ex-girlfriend and the first one to be experimented on. She is tough and intelligent, and comes up with the idea to turn the dream machine into a way to make money.
Jessy Hodges has appeared in the series Hindsight, Girlfriends Guide to Divorce, Anyone But Me, Enlisted, Graves, and Mike and Molly. In 2011 she was nominated for an Indie Series Award for Breakthrough Performance for her role in Anyone But Me. Recently, she married SNL cast member Beck Bennett.
Berkman is the outlandish, overly-confident (though highly intelligent) wild card of the group.
Nick Rutherford has appeared in the series' Vicariously, The Office, Key and Peele, and Dream Corp LLC. He is a founding member of the sketch comedy group "Good Neighbor".
Connor runs the lab and is serious, driven, and the one who makes sure that the science behind the schemes checks out.
Samm Levine has appeared in many series over the past twenty years, including Freaks and Geeks, Vamped Out, Life As We Know It, NCIS, Modern Family, and Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later. He has also appeared in the films Wet Hot American Summer, Inglorious Bastards, Not Another Teen Movie, and Vacation. Levine and the cast of Freaks and Geeks were nominated for two awards: The Young Artist Award and The YoungStar Award.
Larry is Connor's assistant in the lab. He is kindhearted, cheerful, and incredibly strange.
Kirk Johnson is an actor and writer who has appeared in many shorts, as well as the series Red vs. Blue and Camp Camp. Johnson starred in eight of his writing projects.
Hobbs is one of the two investigators looking into the case of what went down in the lab.
Brent Morin has appeared in the series Undateable, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and Ground Floor. He has also appeared in the films The Outdoorsman and How To Be Single. Morin is a stand-up comedian and was a panelist on the sixth season of Chelsea Lately.
Mullins is the second investigator in charge of interrogating the protagonists and trying to piece together what happened.
Hyatt has had recurring roles in the series Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Snowfall, Ray Donovan, True Detective, The Wire, and The West Wing. She has also appeared in the films Nightcrawler, The Good Girl, The Price, and See You In September. Hyatt was born in Birmingham, England and moved to the U.S. when she was ten. She has also appeared on Broadway, most notably in the critically accalimed show Ragtime.
Are you interested in getting your work seen? El Rey Network is putting together an original short film horror showcase featuring the works from top notch independent filmmakers.
Submit Now!El Rey Network is an English-language entertainment brand founded by maverick filmmaker Robert Rodriguez (From Dusk Till Dawn, Sin City, Spy Kids, Machete). Curated by Rodriguez and his artistic collective, the Latino-infused network revels in the courage, capacity, and creativity of ordinary people on extraordinary journeys through its unique original programming. In addition, El Rey Network showcases a wide range of iconic feature films and TV series including genre, cult classics, action, and horror/sci-fi.